Onsite Convenience
DLC recently marked the one-year anniversary of its on-site pharmacy, located on the main campus. Operated by Genoa Healthcare, the pharmacy has been a great addition to DLC’s services, indicating its commitment to integrated care.
“It’s a huge convenience for the clients,” says pharmacist Richard Galanti. “They see a doctor here on campus, a prescription is sent to us automatically, and it’s ready quickly — in a fraction of the time it takes at a regular drugstore. It just makes their experience so much better.”
Other advantages of the on-site pharmacy is that Galanti and his staff have direct contact with the physicians at DLC, and that the pharmacy only addresses mental health needs. They don’t sell groceries or other products, like your corner drugstore.
“We give everyone personalized service, so when you come here, you’re important,” says Galanti. “You’re not just a number. You don’t hear, ‘Come back in an hour.’ We’re very patient-oriented.”
The patients have noticed. Clients often fill out a survey after they’ve been served, and 95% of them are marked “Excellent.” Clients sometime leave remarks on the survey.
“Great people,” said one. “Very kind and sweet.”
“The staff is very professional and courteous,” said another. “The problems are always resolved.”
Jul 10, 2018 | Blog, News