Substance Abuse Treatment Program
Do You Have a Family Member Suffering From a Substance Abuse Addiction or Substance Use Disorder?
If you or a family member is suffering from a substance use addiction, a substance use treatment program may be the best and only option remaining. It’s difficult seeing a loved one suffering from an addiction — an addiction affects the entire family. It’s only normal to feel a sense of helplessness when a loved one is suffering. The truth is, families are not helpless when it comes to protecting their family member afflicted with the disease.
It’s important to take the necessary steps if one of your loved ones is suffering from a substance use addiction or substance use disorder. One of the first steps is educating yourself on the type of addiction and the steps needed for a full recovery. When you start understanding that the addiction is a disease, you know you’re on the right path. We came across an article, Help for the Family, that provides helpful suggestions if you’re a family member that’s living with an addict. The article suggests using “The Three C’s of Dealing with an Addict”:
- You didn’t cause the addiction.
- You can’t control the addiction.
- You can’t cure the addiction.
Substance Abuse Services in Naples, Florida
If one of your family members is suffering from a substance use addiction or substance use disorder, Crossroads in Naples, Florida may be something to consider. Crossroads offers substance abuse treatment services for adults including inpatient detoxification, residential, intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization and aftercare services provided by the David Lawrence Centers .
The programs offered at Crossroads are designed to help the entire family understand the disease of addiction. Your family member who is suffering from substance use addiction will find hope and healing at Crossroads. You can feel confident that Crossroads is the right program for your loved one. Help them get help today by calling (239)-354-1428 or send us a message!
Jan 28, 2015 | Blog