About #StandUp

About #StandUp

David Lawrence Centers’s #StandUp campaign is a community-wide effort to bring much-needed attention to the issues of mental and emotional health, and how they impact the safety of our children. Sadly, children today are more at risk than ever before… at risk of being bullied — in person or in cyberspace. At risk of suffering, often silently, with anxiety and depression. At risk of being exposed to deadly opioids. And in today’s culture, they are at risk every time they walk onto a school campus. So please join us, and make the choice to #StandUp to help raise awareness around children’s mental health. Because healthy minds mean safer kids.

About #StandUp

About #StandUp

David Lawrence Centers’s #StandUp campaign is a community-wide effort to bring much-needed attention to the issues of mental and emotional health, and how they impact the safety of our children. Sadly, children today are more at risk than ever before… at risk of being bullied — in person or in cyberspace. At risk of suffering, often silently, with anxiety and depression. At risk of being exposed to deadly opioids. And in today’s culture, they are at risk every time they walk onto a school campus. So please join us, and make the choice to #StandUp to help raise awareness around children’s mental health. Because healthy minds mean safer kids.

#StandUp and Get Help Now


Anxiety – Children

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