#StandUp Multimedia Contest – #StandUp for Substance Use Recovery
Statistics show that mental health is a serious issue among young people – one in five teens or young adults lives with a mental health condition, and depression is globally one of the leading causes of illnesses and disability among adolescence. Struggling with mental health can often manifest in many different behaviors, and for some, addiction or substance use issues can manifest.
As a pre-teen and teenager, you are often experiencing many new things and get exposed to many risk factors. Studies show that by 12th grade, about two-thirds of students have tried alcohol, and about close to two in 10 reported using prescription medicine without a prescription. Because of the addictive nature of alcohol, opioids, and other substances, it can lead to teens facing serious addiction issues. It’s already hard enough for many teens to ask for help with mental health because of judgment from peers, let alone ask for help with substance use because of the stigma surrounding it.
At David Lawrence Centers, we’ve created the #StandUp campaign for that exact reason. Our goal is to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with mental health, including depression, anxiety, bullying, and substance use. We encourage everyone to #StandUp for substance use recovery in the community, school, for themselves, and for their friends — and create a healthy dialogue around mental health, where individuals feel comfortable talking about it and reaching out for help when they need help.
The #StandUp Multimedia Contest is a way to get the community involved and get local middle and high school students to #StandUp and be part of the conversation about mental health.
Students can submit an essay, poem, song, or video submission up until January 31st, 2020 with a cash prize for the winner.
To learn more and submit an entry, click this link: https://davidlawrencecenters.org/standup-multimedia-contest/.
Dec 09, 2019 | Blog