A recent research study provides evidence to confirm the use of short-term residential treatment (up to 30 days) as an essential first step in treating opiate dependence. The research highlights the importance of “a month-long, 12-step-based residential program with strong linkage to community-based follow-up care.” It indicates that for young adults especially, residential care may result in higher abstinence rates after one year when compared to outpatient treatment options.
Crossroads’ Residential Treatment Program
At Crossroads, our residential program is designed to incorporate daily 12-step participation at meetings through linking with local 12-step fellowships together with evidence-based cognitive behavioral treatment interventions. Crossroads participants are also encouraged to read 12-step literature daily, reflect on these concepts in groups and in writing, and begin utilizing the support of a 12-step sponsor.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: Aftercare
Aftercare is an essential component of a successful transition from residential treatment into community living, particularly over the first 3-6 months and up to 12 months after treatment. In addition to continued 12-step participation, Crossroads offers a complimentary aftercare support group as well as options to link with additional aftercare treatment options such as ongoing individual therapy, intensive outpatient therapy and medication management, all right at David Lawrence Centers . The Alumni Association provides additional opportunities to support individuals in recovery.
If you’d like to learn more about our residential treatment programs, contact us today.
Read more about the research here.