How to Help the David Lawrence Centers Forever Through an Endowment
Have you ever considered establishing an endowment? It’s a powerful way to make a gift to David Lawrence Centers that will last forever, while also realizing tax benefits for your kindness.
“Did you know? Your endowment can finance a particular project, sustain a continuing program or provide for our current crucial needs.”
– AARON LAPP, David Lawrence Foundation, Director of Development
How it Works
You give cash, securities or other assets to an endowment you create. If you can’t give up assets today, consider making the gift in your will, specifying that you would like your gift to be used to fund an endowment.
We use a small portion of the fund to support our crucial needs, but the balance always remains invested in order to perpetuate the fund.
Example: Let’s say you would like to make sure we receive $1,000 every year after your lifetime, and we spend 4 percent of its endowment each year. This means that we spend that amount and reinvest the difference to offset inflation.
To calculate the amount needed to perpetuate your gift, divide the annual gift amount, $1,000, by the amount called for in the spending policy, 4 percent, and you get $25,000. So, contributing just $25,000 can continue the $1,000 annual gift indefinitely!
Call Aaron Lapp at 239-354-1419 if we can help you plan this gift that will help the people we serve forever.
© The Stelter Company The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.
Oct 23, 2014 | News