The Importance of the Three A’s – Ambassadorship, Awareness and Advocacy
The biggest challenge we face in the advancement of wellness and recovery isstigma. Internal stigma manifests in shame and guilt resulting in not seeking treatment,lives lost or lives not fully lived. External stigma presents itself in belief systems, when people view these issues as character flaws rather than medical conditions.
How can we move beyond this issue that has plagued us for centuries? Answer: the 3 A’s. Ambassadorship is the process of engaging community members in our efforts to raise awareness, decrease stigma and advocate for more resources to meet these vital community needs.
DLC is very blessed to have amazing Ambassadors including board members, young executives, volunteers and donors who are critical partners in the advancement of our mission. One of our Ambassadors, Colby Robertson, just made headlines for her support of DLC when she was recognized at the Excellence in Industry Awards as the Young Professional of the Year.
You too can help by increasing the open communication and community dialogue about mental health and substance use challenges. This will create a better understanding and acceptance of the issues. With two suicides in America for every one homicide, we can no longer stand by silently and not talk openly about mental illness. We need to fight to get these issues out of the shadows and into the light. One easy way to stay aware of and share information about the issues, is to follow us on our award-winning Facebook page and other social media channels. The power of this medium for spreading awareness can easily be seen by the viral ALS Challenge.
Advocacy is the relentless pursuit of pushing forward an important cause. Our message is clear: With one in four individuals in need of care, mental health is a community issue we must all support.By growing our number of ambassadors to help fight stigma, create awareness and advocate for adequate funding, we can ensure access to care for all in need. As donors and friends in the communit, I thank you for your partnership in helping us realize this pursuit.
Oct 23, 2014 | News