Heroin & Opioid Addiction Treatment
Learn about the signs of heroin/opiate addiction and how to get help for yourself or a loved one.
Are You or a Loved One Suffering from Heroin Addiction?
People of all walks of life are battling heroin addiction and opiate addiction, and it’s only a matter of time before a drug addiction will take the life of a loved one.
Are You or a Loved One Suffering from Heroin Addiction?
People of all walks of life are battling heroin addiction and opiate addiction, and it’s only a matter of time before a drug addiction will take the life of a loved one.
Am I Addicted to Heroin/Opioids?
Opioid (also known as an opiate) use can be traced to well-meaning physicians who have boosted prescription rates for painkillers. Prolonged use leads to dependence and, once hooked, you need greater doses to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Addiction to painkillers frequently leads to heroin addiction because the black market drug is cheaper and easier to get than prescription painkillers.
Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance. Heroin can be injected, inhaled by snorting or sniffing or smoked. Heroin addiction is a chronic relapsing disease caused by changes in the brain and characterized by uncontrollable drug-seeking, no matter the consequences.
Am I Addicted to Heroin/Opioids?
Opioid (also known as an opiate) use can be traced to well-meaning physicians who have boosted prescription rates for painkillers. Prolonged use leads to dependence and, once hooked, you need greater doses to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Addiction to painkillers frequently leads to heroin addiction because the black market drug is cheaper and easier to get than prescription painkillers.
Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance. Heroin can be injected, inhaled by snorting or sniffing or smoked. Heroin addiction is a chronic relapsing disease caused by changes in the brain and characterized by uncontrollable drug-seeking, no matter the consequences.
Signs & Symptoms of Heroin & Opioid Addiction
Heroin can have similar effects as opioids that are not taken in doses prescribed. Symptoms of use and withdrawals include:
- Surge of euphoria
- Dry mouth
- Warm flushing of the skin
- Heaviness of the extremities
- Clouded mental functioning
- Collapsed veins
- Heart infections
- Abscesses
- Constipation
- Gastrointestinal cramping
- Liver or kidney disease
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Muscle and bone pain
- Cold flashes with goose bumps
- Kicking movements
Signs & Symptoms of Heroin & Opioid Addiction
Heroin can have similar effects as opioids that are not taken in doses prescribed. Symptoms of use and withdrawals include:
- Surge of euphoria
- Dry mouth
- Warm flushing of the skin
- Heaviness of the extremities
- Clouded mental functioning
- Collapsed veins
- Heart infections
- Abscesses
- Constipation
- Gastrointestinal cramping
- Liver or kidney disease
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Muscle and bone pain
- Cold flashes with goose bumps
- Kicking movements
We Can Help You
Call us now at (239) 455-8500 for more information about how to get help for heroin addiction.