After weathering a traumatic divorce, Lucy became severely depressed and despondent. She went from a happily married, successful saleswoman to being unemployed, without a penny to her name. Feeling demoralized and emotionally fragile, she was forced to sell her belongings to try and keep up with the rent. Ultimately, it was not enough and the once proud, hard working woman found herself at a homeless shelter fearful of the unknown.
Things started looking up for Lucy when a David Lawrence Centers homeless outreach specialist visited her at the shelter and referred her to a psychiatrist. She was diagnosed and treated for major depression with psychotic tendencies. She was assigned a case manager who linked her to a host of social and economic services. She moved into one of the Center’s 22 affordable housing units and received help with daily living skills such as developing a personal budget. It wasn’t long before she showed signs of improvement and was able to live more autonomously.
She did so well she was named House Mother and given the responsibility to help her roommates and manage the house. Lucy shared with new found confidence, “I take a lot of pride in the house and take very good care of it. Our neighbor told me this is the best she’s ever seen the place look.” She explains, “I help the housemates do their laundry, keep their rooms clean, prepare meals and remind them of their medications. It has really helped my recovery to be able to help them.” She adds, “David Lawrence Centers has helped me feel more independent and secure. I know I’ve come a long way.”