Getting to Know DLC’s Prevention Specialist Kelly Ballesteros Buitrago

Getting to Know DLC’s Prevention Specialist Kelly Ballesteros Buitrago

Name & Title: Kelly Ballesteros Buitrago, Prevention Specialist

In her position, Kelly Ballesteros Buitrago implements evidence based prevention programs throughout the community, and in both school and after-school settings. Prevention programming focuses on reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors. Youth of all ages, ranging from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, learn about, and improve, emotion management skills, peer refusal strategies, risk reduction techniques, decision making skills, setting and achieving goals, the negative consequences of substance use, and more. “During my time working at David Lawrence Centers I have had the opportunity to work in the community with children, teens, and adults. I have gained knowledge about mental health and the impact of substance use on people’s lives. I am proud to have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives with our programs. I teach them, but they also teach me!”

Fun Fact: “I was born in the United States, but I grew up and was raised in Colombia,” says Ballesteros Buitrago. “I decided to return to the United States after 20 years with the aim of continuing my studies in Social Work. At this stage of my life, where the opportunity to work with the community and especially children has been presented, I have discovered a new passion. I am convinced that to educate small minds with love you need to have a great heart.”


  • TV show: Grey’s Anatomy
  • Movie: Marvel movies
  • Food: Pasta
  • Hobby or past time: Spending time with family and friends, dancing and reading.
  • Animal: Dogs
  • Part about working in Prevention and at DLC: Working with my team and the kids

Apr 16, 2020 | Blog, Mental Health, Substance Use

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