It is never easy to see someone you care for struggling with a physical or mental health disorder, and the value of friendship during these challenging times is crucial. Too often, people respond negatively when someone shares that they struggle from a mental health disorder, but supportive friends can play an important role in the mental health recovery process. Here is what you can do to help:
During difficult times, it can be hard to refrain from giving advice and suggestions for those struggling with a mental health disorder. Often, it may be better to not say anything and simply to listen to your friend. Resist the temptation to dismiss or minimize their concerns. To reinforce the trust your friend has placed in you, keep the information confidential; however, if you hear talk of suicide, then it is important to reach out to a medical professional immediately.
Show Support
Showing your friends support during tough times is especially important to achieving recovery. You can start by supporting healthy behaviors such as a balanced diet, good rest, and moderate exercise. By encouraging positive behavior, you are being a good support system which can make a huge difference in the overall recovery process.
Offer Help
It is important to offer help for a friend that is struggling with a mental health disorder. You can offer help in many different ways, including the ways mentioned above. Furthermore, you can also ask your friend whether they have found treatment options for their condition and if not, recommend some resources that can help. There are many resources available online, and local and regional facilities that offer mental health services. You can help your friend by searching for a mental health facility near you today.
Educate Yourself
Lastly, it is important to educate yourself on the condition from which your friend is suffering. Being educated about the symptoms and appropriate treatments available can play an important part in helping your friend achieve recovery, and also demonstrates that you care.
For more information about mental health disorders and facilities in Southwest Florida, reach out to the David Lawrence Centers of Naples today. Our experts can provide you with the knowledge and experience to successfully help your friend struggling with a mental health disorder. Call 239.491.7602 or click here to contact someone today.
Mar 22, 2016 | Mental Health